Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Smart Phone OS Market Share....Interesting Forecast

I have always been interested in designing for mobiles/smart phones. Mobile thinking has been changing from past few years. I first started designing for Windows Mobile 5.0 and Symbian. From past few years new operating systems have evolved and capture the market share to a large extent. I recently came across the below forecast in a blog from www.mobiaccess.com.  


It is interesting to note how Android and iOS have been picking up the market share, especially Android from almost 3.9% to 38% till date. Where as all the other operating systems have been losing the market share, especially Symbian falling from 46.9% in 2009 to 19.2% till date and as per the forecast will become almost obsolete. So certainly Android and iOS are the future, followed by Windows Phone.

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